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Surprising reasons why your skin is dry during winter

Winter is all about being cosy and festive, but our skin often pays the price. Dry and rough skin is a constant battle that skin enthusiasts have to fight.
“Inside homes, the heater causes your skin to dry up, as the skin’s moisture and natural oils evaporate. Outside, the harsh winter air is also drying. A humidifier at home will go a long way,” says Dr Geetika Gupta, aesthetic physician.
Instead of splurging on the best moisturisers to quench your skin’s thirst, take a note of these surprising reasons why your skin is dry during the winter.
“We love long hot showers during this season, but in reality, it aggravates the dry skin, as it removes the top layer of the skin. Instead, have a quick lukewarm water shower and dry yourself with a cotton towel,” advises Gupta.
Another reason for dry skin could be the products you use. Dermatologist Dr Charu Sharma shares, “Use a gentle, unscented soap and a thicker, oil-based moisturiser instead of a water-based one.”
Basking in the winter sun may leave you feeling warm, but don’t forget to apply sunscreen, says dermatologist Dr Rashmi Shetty.
Your water consumption may decrease in the winter months. So, it is “vital to drink water to keep your skin hydrated,” says Gupta, adding, “One can also drink green tea or hot liquids and consume good fats as well.”
When it comes to your diet, Sharma says the thumb rule is to “avoid caffeine and alcohol, and have a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.” Shetty adds, “Oil intake decreases in the winter, so eat seasonal winter foods and include ghee or a spoon of coconut oil in the morning.” 
While wearing warm clothes might be common sense, the type of clothes you wear is also important. Gupta shares, “Make sure you don’t wear abrasive clothes and always opt to layer your clothes with cotton closest to the skin, as it is less abrasive.”
